Sunday, June 7, 2009

Twilight Meditations Sessions - Night 6

Have you ever look up at the sky, regardless of the the darkness, and see those dark clouds? They're almost painted on the sky, the high ones, that hardly move.  I can gauge their movement in relation to their position with the moon (if there is one).  A slow beat accompanies this movement, a glacial, almost planetary movement captured, moving imperceptibly.

As the album winds down with this and another piece, I feel a full circle completing.  An emptiness inside me has been filled, and meditation will take on a new significance for me, and I hope you as well.  While not a meditation CD by even the loosest definition, I still feel it can serve multiple purposes.  The final piano line, complimented by Flute (alto), Oboe and Clarinet sums this piece up nicely.

I appreciate you few who take this journey with me.  I appreciate you just nodding your heads and smiling when I get...over metaphorical and stray into the ethers of weird.  Heh.

The final two pieces will complete tomorrow and wednesday.  The album is mixing Wednesday and Thursday.  After that, it is out of my hands and into yours.

My very best,

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