Monday, June 8, 2009

Twilight Meditations Sessions - Final Mixes Started

Wooo!  Mixing track one "Twilight Falls".  It was a lot less work than I thought it was going to be.  Just 3 clicks that needed removing, some eq, compression on the strings (damn Cello players) and some note replacement.

I once told a friend that mixing this stuff was pretty straightforward because all of the instrumentation was recorded really well.  Thats just the volume though.  Reverb time (trails) are really important in this type of music.  Generally, I find the busiest section of music and make sure that the trail of the previous note doesn't interfere with the next note on.  It prevents soup...which is sometimes desirable.  But right now I'm in the mood for a steak and eggs.  We'll get into that sometime, if we talk in person.  Steak and eggs music instead of soup.  Dear Lord where has he gone now?

I'll mix three today, three tomorrow and finish 3 tonite and tomorrow. goes live friday, which means that my 16th release date needs to be adheared to (eep!)

We shall see.


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