Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Twilight Meditations Sessions - Final Mix Day Two

Well, the mixes are literally being torn through.  Besides some aesthetic  instrumentation changes, volume redraws and some minor reverb tweaking, I think the disc is really gonna work.

At least I hope so  O_O

There is a major thunderstorm going on outside, and I usually unplug the whole studio and run for the living room, but I'm on a roll, and it feels like I can't stop now.  All thats left to mix is twilight dawning and then its a move to the recapitulation tracks.  I think two will do it.  I'm going to estimate the disc will time out to right around an hour or so.

Thanks so much for staying with me you few, it really means a lot when I get comments on this stuff, otherwise i'd feel so alone.

See you late tonite,

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