Friday, September 30, 2011

Chakra Meditation


So, about a year or so ago, an editor friend of mine and I (his name is Anthony Rhoads) started another project for John Edward. It was called Infinite Quest and it was a pretty cool idea, a social networking site and educational tool for people interested in cultivating their non-corporeal skills.

Anyway, Anthony and I were working together on a way to incorporate video and music/soundscapes together to make a mediation piece for the site. It had been about a year since we had worked together on the last season of Cross Country so we were pretty excited.

So I found out that you can watch and listen to the first Mediation (Red) without being a member of Infinite Quest. Here's the link:

And here's the link to Anthony Rhoads' website:

Now you might be wondering if these are shameless plugs for my friends.

You'd be right :)


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