Night Three! After taking two very much needed weekend evenings off, its back to work here on the album. This evening, I found myself looking up at the metaphorical stars. I remember as a kid looking into the night sky and see shooting stars going as far as horizon to horizon. I remember they were some of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
I felt it fitting to name this slow piece Star Trails because it evokes a small measure of the feeling those shooting stars gave to me.
I started with some heavily edited reverse piano and bell sounds, and progressed to more traditional elements for the middle of the piece. I've noticed that I've been following a pattern without realizing it. I favored the artificial and synthy elements in the beginning of the piece, and then moved to the traditional elements. This piece was no exception. Though a really pretty voice patch picks up the second theme at the end, simplifies it, and then piano takes us out.
The most enjoyable part of this is right around a minute. I layered this little piano pattern with a staccato piccolo, playing the same notes in the same octave. Its a little playful and sets up the first of the stars playing across the sky, those childhood moments when you realize there are amazing things in front of you, and the golden tickle of the excitement you feel.
It clocks in at a respectable 6:33. I was going to lengthen it by repeating the first section but with different instrumentation, but if you feel like you said something right the first time, why say it again?
Know what I mean?
See you tomorrow night, and thanks for reading.
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