Its fitting that the final track, which I guess technically falls outside the meditation part of the CD, is called The Day Begins.
I've never liked mornings. If you really know what I'm like, then you'll know how much of a night owl I am. I work better, play better, read more, etc. while the moon is in the sky. There is a feeling that I can't describe knowing that I'm one of the few up in my part of the world. Elsewhere, on other continents, people carry out their days, much like we do, while we sleep. When twilight comes for us, they begin their day.
When the alarm clock beeps to wake me up, at 8am, I used to despise it. I hated alarm clocks. I am a grouchy morning person most days. But then someone dear to me explained something that I will never forget.
The day comes, and with it comes the thankfulness that i've made it through another night, and can awaken, my life continuing for another day. Its exciting, empowering and extremely profound.
So even if I still flip off the alarm clock and growl at it, I remember the important fact that hadn't occurred to me until it was explained to me in my mid thirties.
We've awoken, we're alive, and its a brand new day. What will happen to us today is unlike anything we've ever been though before. Isn't that worth a smile for the morning?
see you soon