Tuesday, June 10, 2008

When it Rains...

... it pours.

K thats it for this week.


Okay okay, i'll tell you what happened.  Right before going to NY this past week, the system drive failed on my primary Gigastudio computer.  Yup, the one that I raved about June 3rd, decided to inform me that it's OS drive was no longer going to cooperate.

Ye gods.  I packed up my bags and my Fiance and headed to NY.  I came back Monday, got ready for work and realized I hadn't fixed the computer.  Oops, minor lapse of memory there.  So, to make a very long story short, it created a cascade of technical badness.  It was open season on hard drives all over the studio.  The MAC lost it's primary data drive, you know, the one where I keep all my current projects?  Thankfully, a rushed trip to Circuit City (among other places, thank you SO much honey) fixed the problem...  But for how long?

This week's fiasco has reminded me to keep timely backups of all data, both past and current.  I also shall be installing some new disk arrays with redundancy so the impact from hardware failures is not significant.

It was nice though to be holding a screwdriver and a pair of pliers again... It's been so long since i've gotten down and dirty with the microchips.

Till next time


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